Can a High School graduate with the TEFL course complete find a teaching job in Taiwan?
2009-09-03 21:55:31 UTC
I am really serious about coming to taiwan. So I am looking at all the possibilities to study there. But I will have to finance my school. (I am planning on going to an art school there) So I was thinking about teaching english to finance my schooling. I also speak french. I find this TESOL and TELF program, so I was wondering if I am able to complete this course, will i be able to find jobs in school? Or do all school require you to have an associate or Bachelor degree to teach? I am really interest. I just graduate from high school, I plan to go to college for about a trimester in USA and then move to Taiwan. So any comment that could help me make up my mind will be nice.
Trois réponses:
Hakanai Yume 儚夢
2009-09-06 03:49:09 UTC

If you want to teach any language "as a foreign langugage" in a school you'll need to have a bachelor degree or more.

If I'd understood well you are French native speaker, maybe you are a half of American and French. Anyway you should know that there is competition to teach English in Taiwan and Asia as well. You will face : American, English, Canadian, Australian, New Zealander, Ireland ans many people from many countries that speak fluent English.

Many Taiwanese went abroad to study, many have a very good conduct in English.

So if you want to make the difference, (on peut dire ça en anglais ?) you'll have to show that you have some degrees, qualifications and experience.

If you just plan to teach to individual as private teaching, you can do it without any problem, you just have to find by yourself which channels & networks Taiwanese use more for seeking English teacher.

Anyway you will have more information from the USA. When arrived there watch out Taiwanese representation in America.
2009-09-06 11:40:19 UTC


2009-09-04 05:17:18 UTC

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